Could you pl. send me the meaning of lokaveeram fully...... ?
Sripradha Srikanthan, Coimbatore

Aravind Subramanyam - as a person with very little knowledge started to enter the world of Sanskrit - started some ten years back - only with this Loka Veeram....
And “my” Lord Hariharaputra took care of me…
Thank you for reminding me the yester years...
This once unlettered boy, whom He took under his benign and protective care, as a fond father would do, and made him what he is today, submits ananta koti namaskarams with reverence and humility to ever merciful Bhakta Paripala Maha Sastha
Now the Slokas and their meaning –
Loka Veeram, Maha Poojyam Sarva Rakshakaram Vibhum
Parvathi Hrudayanandam Saasthaaram Pranamamyaham
One who is the best warrior in the world, Who is greatly worshipped, the Lord who protects everybody, and who gives happiness to Parvathy’s heart - I salute that Saastha
Viprapoojyam Viswa Vandhyam, Vishnu Shambho Priyam Sutham
Kshipra Prasada Niratham Saasthaaram Pranamamyaham
One who is worshipped by Vedic scholars, Who is saluted by the universe, Who is the dear son of Vishnu and Shiva, and who is gets pleased easily(and gives his blessings immediately) - I salute that Saastha
Matha Mathanga Gamanam, Karunyamrutha Pooritham
Sarva Vigna Haram Devam, Saasthaaram Pranamamyaham
One who walks like furious elephant, Who is filled with the nectar of mercy, and who destroyes all the obstacles - I salute that Saastha
Asmath Kuleshwaram Devam, Asmath Shathru Vinasanam
Asmath Ishta Pradhatharam, Saasthaaram Pranamamyaham
One who is Master of my lineage (Family), Who destroys my enemies, and who grants all my desires - I salute that Saastha
Pandyesha Vamsa Thilakam, Kerale Keli Vigraham
Aartha Thranaparam Devam, Saasthaaram Pranamamyaham
One who is like a thilaka (foremost) in the pandya dynasty, Who had a playful form in Kerala, and who is the only refuge to protect the distressed - I salute that Saastha
Pancharathnaakhya Methadhyo Nithyam Shuddha Padennara
Thasya Prasanno Bhagawan Saastha Vasathi Manase
One who chants these five gems daily, with purity – Lord Saastha will be pleased with him and always live in his mind.
Traymbaka puradheesam, Ganadhipa Samanvitham
Gajaroodam aham Vande, Sastharam Kuladaivatham
One Who is the Ruler of Tryambakapuram ( a place near Tiruvaroor), who is with Lord Ganapathi and one who rides on an elephant, - I salute that Saastha who is the master of my dynasty
Shiva Veerya Samud Bhootham Sreenivasa Thanudbhavam,
Shiki Vahanujam Vande, Sastharam Kuladaivatham
One who originated from the power of Shiva, who took birth from the body of Sreenivasa and who is the brother of Shikivaha(who rides the peacock –Subramanya), - I salute that Saastha who is the master of my dynasty

Yasya Dhanwantharir Matha, Pitha Rudhraabhishikthama
Tham Sashtharamaham Vande Mahavaidyam Dayanidhim
One whose mother is Dhanwanthari (celestial Doctor) and father the supreme physician, Rudra, I salute that Saastha, who is the greatest doctor and who is the treasure of mercy.
Bhoothanadha Sadananda Sarva Bhootha Dayapara
Raksha Raksha Maha Baho, Sashthre Thubhyam Namo Nama
Oh Lord of all beings ! who is always happy, and who is merciful on all beings….
“Please protect me Oh ! great one” – I salute you Oh ! Lord Saastha