Bhagawat Gita was taught to Arjuna by Lord Krishna. Here, Lord Manikanta gives His precious teachings as Boothanatha Gita to Rajashekara Pandya, the ruler of Pandalam.
This Bhoothanatha Geetha is taken from the Bhoothanatha Upakhyanam which is a part of the Brahmanda Puranam. The words told by Lord Manikanta(Ayyappa) to Maharaja Rajashekaran, is a guiding force for the mankind.
After fulfilling the duties of His incarnation, Lord Manikanta decides to get instilled in Sabarimala. It is then the Maharaja of Pandalam, Rajashekaran realizes that Manikanta, the kid whom he raised is an incarnation of Lord Maha Sastha. He prays to God for His mercy and to bless him with immortality. Lord Manikanta then blesses Maharaja and starts preaching him with the concepts of wisdom. This essence of wisdom and glory is the Bhoodhanatha Gita. Listening to the words of Swami, the king attains the knowledge of the supreme.
The Lord has blessed me with the chance of bringing out this Bhoodhanatha Gita. I am very proud in compiling this Gita and bringing it out as a book in print for the first time.
This Boothanatha Gita is the teachings of the Lord in his own words. These words are not only for the King – but golden words given to the entire mankind.
The book is Bi-Lingual - The original Slokas in Sanskrit and Commentary in both Tamil and English
The price of the book is Rs. 100/ only (courier charges Rs.25).
Book is Available at:
94 B, Third Street, Tatabad, Coimbatore 12
Phone : 99946 41801
You may send MO or DD or Cheques in Favour of "V.Aravind Subramanyam" to the above address and can obtain the copy of the book through post or courier
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