Monday, June 28, 2010
Dikshitar Kriti - Harihara Putram
Dikshitar Kriti - Harihara Putram
rAgaM : vasanta
tALaM : khaNDa Ekam
hari hara putraM SAstAraM sadA bhajE(a)haM
mAyA kAryaM tyajE(a)ham
mura harAdi mOhita Sauri giri vihAraM
muraLI bhErI vAdyAdi priya-karaM
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
prArthita putra pradaM vasanta nata bRndaM
dIrghAyuHpradaM dIna jana phala pradam
phAlguna mAsa paurNimAvatAraM
pANDya kEraLAdi dESa prabhA-karaM
pushpa SarEkshu kArmuka dharaM
phulla kalhAra daNDa dhara karaM
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
kali yuga pratyakshaM garvita daksha SikshaM
vara guru guhAntarangaM ratha gaja turangam
Pallavi :
I always worship Shastaa, the son of Hari and shiva.I renounce theactivities associated with mAya or illusion
The dweller in shauri giri who pleases Vishnu - the killer of Mura.The one fond of instruments like the flute, beri .The one who bestows sons.He is worshipped in Spring by crowds of people.He grants longevity.He bestows happiness to destitutes.4
Charanam :
He incarnated on the full moon day in the phAlguna month.He brings glory to the kingdoms of the Pandyas and kerala.He bears the floral arrows, sugarcane bow and and a floral staff made of kalharaa (senkazhuneer in Tamil ) flowers. He manifests in Kaliyuga.He punishes instantly.He resides in the minds of guha , who is hara’s guru.The one who has an army with chariots, elephants and horses.
ஹரி ஹர புத்ரம் - ராக3ம் வஸந்த - தாளம் க2ண்ட3 ஏகம்
ஹரி ஹர புத்ரம் ஸா1ஸ்தாரம் ஸதா3 ப4ஜேऽஹம்
மாயா கார்யம் த்யஜேऽஹம்
முர ஹராதி3 மோஹித ஸௌ1ரி கி3ரி விஹாரம்
முரளீ பே4ரீ வாத்3யாதி3 ப்ரிய-கரம்
(மத்4யம கால ஸாஹித்யம்)
ப்ரார்தி2த புத்ர ப்ரத3ம் வஸந்த நத ப்3ரு2ந்த3ம்
தீ3ர்கா4யு:ப்ரத3ம் தீ3ன ஜன ப2ல ப்ரத3ம்
பா2ல்கு3ன மாஸ பௌர்ணிமாவதாரம்
பாண்ட்3ய கேரளாதி3 தே3ஸ1 ப்ரபா4-கரம்
புஷ்ப ஸ1ரேக்ஷு கார்முக த4ரம்
பு2ல்ல கல்ஹார த3ண்ட3 த4ர கரம்
(மத்4யம கால ஸாஹித்யம்)
கலி யுக3 ப்ரத்யக்ஷம் க3ர்வித த3க்ஷ ஸி1க்ஷம்
வர கு3ரு கு3ஹாந்தரங்க3ம் ரத2 க3ஜ துரங்க3ம்
Guru Dakshina during Sabari Yatra
Dear Gurugaru,
We read about the Guru dhakshina in your article.
What is the procedure for Gurudakshina in sabarimala ?
Each and everytime we put down our Iramudi we need to pay Guru dakshina to guruswami. Is this right?
Rammohan Swami

The whole concept of Sabarimala revolves round Guru - without him no yatra gets fulfilled.
Here talking about the qualifications of a Guruswamy will lead to a spearate topic; so Iam just giving the details regarding Guru dakshina.
The Guruswamy takes you to the Lord; He is leading you towards the Lord. So in order to show your graditude towards him we need to pay Guru Dakshina to the Swami and do namaskaram to him.
Now we see many so called Guruswamys threatening the sishyas not to remove the Irumudi from the head wihtout him(Guruswamy) and demand dakshina for each time. This is not right.
This is what Iam taught by the elders. A sishya has to pay respects to his Guruswamy and pay him Guru dakshina 8 times during the sabarimala yatra.
1. The first time when the Guru formally accepts him for the sabarimala yatra
2. While wearing the Maala
3. While taking the irumudi - Kettu Nerai
4. At Erumeli after the darshanam while starting the yatra
5. At Azhudha river
6. At Pampa after the snanam and while starting
7. At sannidhanam after the abhishekam
8. While removing the maala
It is the duty of every Ayyappa bhaktha to follow all these rules strictly and earn the grace of Guruswamy and thereby get the blessings of Guruswamy's Guruswamy(Lord Ayyappa)
Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa
We read about the Guru dhakshina in your article.
What is the procedure for Gurudakshina in sabarimala ?
Each and everytime we put down our Iramudi we need to pay Guru dakshina to guruswami. Is this right?
Rammohan Swami

The whole concept of Sabarimala revolves round Guru - without him no yatra gets fulfilled.
Here talking about the qualifications of a Guruswamy will lead to a spearate topic; so Iam just giving the details regarding Guru dakshina.
The Guruswamy takes you to the Lord; He is leading you towards the Lord. So in order to show your graditude towards him we need to pay Guru Dakshina to the Swami and do namaskaram to him.
Now we see many so called Guruswamys threatening the sishyas not to remove the Irumudi from the head wihtout him(Guruswamy) and demand dakshina for each time. This is not right.
This is what Iam taught by the elders. A sishya has to pay respects to his Guruswamy and pay him Guru dakshina 8 times during the sabarimala yatra.
1. The first time when the Guru formally accepts him for the sabarimala yatra
2. While wearing the Maala
3. While taking the irumudi - Kettu Nerai
4. At Erumeli after the darshanam while starting the yatra
5. At Azhudha river
6. At Pampa after the snanam and while starting
7. At sannidhanam after the abhishekam
8. While removing the maala
It is the duty of every Ayyappa bhaktha to follow all these rules strictly and earn the grace of Guruswamy and thereby get the blessings of Guruswamy's Guruswamy(Lord Ayyappa)
Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa
dharma sastha,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Guru - Sishya Relationship - Part 2
In continuaton with our previous post on Guru Sishya relationship, we received the followed comment.
Excellent guidelines, but general query with every one is how to select Guru. what is the qualification to get Deeksha.
After seeing media, people are very sacred of selecting guru and some people argue why to have middle man to speak to god and will try to reach god directly with our own prayers etc.,
Also some people accepted there guru as Maha periava, Ramana maharishi, Rama krishna, Arabindo, Seshathri swamigal (Even the person never met him).
Also give some information regarding Thruvannamalai Giri vallam. some people says they could able to see SITHAR SWAMIGAL LIKE PAPMPATTI SITHAR etc., is it true. I never get opportunity to visit that temple and attend Giri vallam.
Can you clarify.
Let me try to answer this one by one
General query with every one is how to select Guru. What is the qualification to get Deeksha.
How can one select a Guru?
Did we select our father or mother ?
The Guru Thatwa is an embodiment of karunya and it is he who select us as a sishya and not vice versa.
We may think that we are choosing a Guru. But in no way its going to happen. Whoever may be the Guru, Guru is "Sakshat Parabrahma"
The Guru Sishya relationship doesnot happen by appointment or designation. It emerges automatically.
The first and foremost quality for a sishya is vinaya ie humbleness and 0% Ego.
When a person thinks of choosing his Guru, definitely he may compare him with others (please read my previous post - which is a very great sin) And also this shows he is egoistic and If one thinks that he is choosing his guru, Iam sure he is fooling himself.
When the sadhaka is ready and ripe - God sends the Guru in the right time.
"Thottu Kaatta Guru Thane Varuvaar"
Guru is not a post or position - its an eternal commitment and phenomena.
The qualification for deeksha is decided by the Guru alone. Right or wrong he takes up the responsibilities of the sishya (including his karma)
After seeing media, people are very sacred of selecting guru and some people argue why to have middle man to speak to god and will try to reach god directly with our own prayers etc.,
Again the question of selecting a Guru does not arise
I would like to quote from my previous post - "Mostly we will try to judge and always make a wrong judgement."
This is what is happening today. Only a Guru has to select a sishya.
If you think you are selecting your Guru then you are not on the right track. Your faith and Viswasa with the Guru is also not that strong. This ultimately leads to disaster.
Most of the people have a feeling that there is not need for a Middle Man to show God.
Each and every living being has to rise gradually in each janma after janma and only then reach a level of Jeevan Mukthi and only then attain moksha. This can happen only with Guru's grace.
One has to make one point clear - the purpose of human birth is to attain moksha and for this guru is must. If one thinks the purpose is to get the blessings of God for a comfortable livelihood, luxurious life, wealth etc then Guru is surely a middle man.
The path to our destination called moksha is a forest full of animals and we need a guide to cross the place. Guru is the only guide who can take you along with him safely and help you reach your goal.
Instant moksha and instant gnana is not at all possible. If a person says I doent need a middle man - its again sheer Ego and you cant expect anything more from that sort of a person. (I know a person who has all the "Good Qualities" including consuming alcohol but claims that he doesnt need a Guru and he is going to get moksha because his astrologer has said so)
Next qery
Also some people accepted there guru as Maha periava, Ramana maharishi, Rama krishna, Arabindo, Seshathri swamigal (Even the person never met him).
Also give some information regarding Thruvannamalai Giri vallam. some people says they could able to see SITHAR SWAMIGAL LIKE PAPMPATTI SITHAR etc., is it true. I never get opportunity to visit that temple and attend Giri vallam.
Some people consider Maha Purushas like Seshadri Swamigal, Ramana or Mahaperiyava as their Guru. This is a very great oppurtunity. But these Maha purushas bless us as a divine force and guide our life. But in case of upadesha or mantra deeksha what will be the case?
To a very rare and lucky few, they themselves manifest before them and give their blessing. YES !!!this is true and happens even today. But its said vindavar kandilar - many people who claim this get carried away in the waves called publicity, self and benefits of the ocean called Ego. There are still few pure souls who are blessed with such rare opportunity.
But in most other cases the Mahapurushas again send some physical Gurus in order to guide the souls. One has to accept that fact. A physical Guru's presence is the most necessary thing and a guiding force for any normal aspirant.
So for a true sadhaka, the need of a Guru is inevitable.
Naasti Thathwam Param Gurum
There is no thathwam other than Guru
aravind subramanyam,
guru bhakti,
mantra upadesham,
seshadri swamigal,
Guru - Sishya Relationship
Is it true that a person should always be under his guru and should not go beyond him? Will this not affect his
Some people say one must learn from his guru and vacate the place and not be too close to his guru.
Also is Guru Dakshina a must?
V.R. Rajaraman
First let me make it clear that Iam talking only about Guru - who is for your Atma sadhana. ie who gives you mantra deeksha or upadesham and guide you towards the Lord. Iam not talking about your Music teacher or bhajan Guru.
Guror anugruhenaiva puman purna prashantaye
Only by the grace of guru can a person become a self realised soul
Any sadhaka when his devotion to his favorite god is ripe, its pulls the Guru towards the sishya.
And please remember there is no lakshanam for a guru. He is not limited by age, education or relatioship. Mostly we will try to judge and always make a wrong judgement.
The significance of Guru and Guru Bhakthi is immesurable.
"Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma" - Guru is the Lord Himself. Generally people confuse among themselves with an acharya and guru.
The person who teaches a subject or something like music etc is an acharya. But the person who gives the mantra of a diety is Guru - he is God. He may not be a person jumping from the sky; he may look very ordinary and move along with us; But please understand - unless you have a feeling that He is God himself,one can never get salvation. Even he is an ordinary person, once if you accept him as your guru - please dont forget He is God to you.
Today the mantra siddhi is very rare phenominon to see. This is because of lack of Guru bhakthi.
Guru Santhushta Matrena sidyathi
One gets mantra siddhi - once the guru is pleased.
By giving you a mantra upadesham - the Guru takes you along with him to the divinity and actually is shouldering your responsibilty. Please understand - until the sishya get proper gnana - the Guru doesnot get moksha. For this debt - even if you serve him for the entire janma, it cannot be equated.
Dos and Donts with a Guru
I dont want to give any more of my personal opinion. But i'l quote only one single paragraph from Lalithopakhyana - which shows the greatness of Guru
- A sishya must dedicate one's body, wealth and life to the service of Guru and always live according to his instructions. He must never try to supercede him.
- The most difficult thing in the entire world is getting a proper Guru.Once this Guru is happy with the sishya - Moksha Lakshmi comes to him within half a second.
- Even if he scolds - understand that it is a blessing.
- And analysing your Guru and comparing him with others is the most sinful act. And accepting one person as your Guru and changing to another Guru - will lead to eternal darkness.
- Before commencing any vaidheeka or Lowkika karmas, you must get his blessings/approval.
- One must never call his Guru in singular terms (like Nee, Vaa etc) and must never argue with his guru
- The most sadhachara is Guru bhakthi and the maha papam is Guru Droham
- Even telling a lie in front of your Guru is a great sin - this is more sinful than Brammahathi or Go hathi
- One who ponder overs the feet of Guru (Guru Paduka) gets everything that is good - this is greater that all maha yagas or pujas or temple worship
- Guru Vaakyam pramaanam - Even the mere words from Guru has to be follwed strictly. The mere words are shastras to the sishya
- Once you see you guru , fall like a danda(stick) and do sashtanga namaskara and do a pradakshina
- Worship your favorite God as your Guru's form
Most of the above statements may look "unfit" in today's world. But still there are persons who follow it strictly and are coming up in their life - both spiritually and also in worldly life. Iam seeing, admiring and wondering about the Guru bhakthi of these few persons (even today) and their attachment towards their Guru.
(Iam seeing all the following personally even today) Just imagine
- Not even uttering the name of his Guru
- Considering their puja moorthi as Guru and Guru Patni himself
- An officer and highly placed person falling at his guru's feet in the middle of the road
- A politician sitting on the floor refusing to sit on a sofa along with his Guru
Unfortunately, Ive also seen persons, who hesitate greatly even for doing a namaskaram to his Guru. There are worst cases ie when the sishya is in Guru's place, he keeps quiet while the Guru serve the disciple. This is a very great sin.
Once a Guru named meykaNdAr took one pot of cellulose (kanychi) kept for the cloths and drank it. While he was drinking it, some of it dripped through his elbow. The ardant disciple umApathi chivAchchAriyAr drank that, which was dripping through the master's elbow. This is Guru Bhakthi.
Today a poor Guru is carrying the tiffin plate of a sishya. ( A guru - out of his sheer kindness or affection may do this to his disciples; but a Sishya should NEVER allow this happen and infact he must grab each and every oppurtunity to serve his Guru).
Proximity to Guru
Now you might have understood the concept of being close to his Guru. Leaving one's Guru must never happen.
Lalitopakhyanam again gives the following list as to how a sishya should be close with his Guru and offer his namaskarams :
If a person lives very next to his Guru he must meet him and do namaskarams thrice a day.
If a person lives near his Guru within a Krosa (the distance at which a man's call could be heard) he must do this daily.
If a person lives near his Guru within half a yojana (6.5 Km) he must meet his Guru atleast during the 5 parvas of a month.
If a person lives more than one yojana (13 kms) to twelve yojans(156 Kms) he must meet him according to the distance( ie 13 kms - Once a month, 26 Kms twice a month to 156 kms atleast once a year)
Apart from this, whenver a person wants he can anytime come to his Guru and offer his pranams
Guru Dakshina
And coming to Guru Dakshina - there is a saying in malayalam
"Kriya Avasanam Dakshina" - each action gets fulfilled only with a dakshina
The Hindu tradition of guru dakshina is a means to show the sishya's gratitude. He is paying his respects to the Lord who has appeared as Guru covered by a human skin.
In general at the time completing Gurukulam or during Mantra upadesham Guru Dakshina is a must. Only with the Guru Dakshina - he may get the result fulfilled.
Also during important occasions, rituals, poojas and Vijaya Dasami days is the duty of the sishya to submit his offerings to his Guru.
The dakshina may not not always monetary. At times, the Guru may ask his sishya to execute an important task as his dakshina.
So please remember - No book or mantra can bestow the Knowledge of Self. Only by gurukripa a sadhaka can attain his self or reach his Ishtadevata
aravind subramanyam,
guru bhakti,
guru paduka,
mantra upadesham,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Relationship with your Guru
If you're not feeling close to the Guru, it's because of you. Because of your mind, because of your ego concepts. Share with the Guru that which is very important or intimate to you. Share that. Do not feel shame, shy, or judgmental about yourself.
Unless you express to the Master that which is very intimate and important to you, just being on the formal and informal communication levels cannot make you feel close. "How are you, where are you going? How have you been?" Stop formal and superficial conversations with the Master and speak with your heart that which is very important and intimate, very deep to your life. Don't just say how much the squash costs, 30 cents or whatever.
Unless you express to the Master that which is very intimate and important to you, just being on the formal and informal communication levels cannot make you feel close. "How are you, where are you going? How have you been?" Stop formal and superficial conversations with the Master and speak with your heart that which is very important and intimate, very deep to your life. Don't just say how much the squash costs, 30 cents or whatever.
If you don't feel close to the Master, there's no point in having a Master. It is just another burden to you. You have enough already. Just say "Goodbye," get rid of it.
Salagrama Puja at Houses
One of my friend visited my house and saw our saligramam we need
to reconfirm and wish to know what type of saligramam we have in our house. And wish to know the name etc.,
But as below mentioned saligrama is Vishnu's, how Iyers who are generally Shaiva like us having the same. I have seen my grant father, father praying rudram while performing pooja. Do sivalinga will also have holes in it ???
Is it necessary we need keep close the saligram and Linka after Pooja and archana?? Iam having close room for my temple so I never closed after pooja. Kindly
A Devotee
Salagrama is a small roundish black stone with a small hole and has some distinctive marking like Chakra or shankha etc. These Salagramas are worshipped as Vishnu himself.
A home with a Salagramam is regarded as a temple. Nitya Abhisheka and Aradhana is recommended for the Salagrama. The Salagramam when properly worshiped will nullify the evil effects of black magic within a radius of 5 miles from its location.
You can read the origin of Salagramam from my book Shri Maha Sastha Vijayam - the first chapter of Sastha Jananam - ie the river Gandaki originated from Mohini Avatara Vishnu's body - so the sacred stones from this river is considered as vishnu himself. Its actually the shell of the worms in the river Gandaki and its body is covered by a stone cover or shell known as Vajrakita and they came to be called as Salagramas.
gandakyAs cha iva dEsE cha sAlagrAma Stalam mahat
pAshanam tad bhavam yath thath sAlagrAmam iti smrtham
Near the Gandaki River, there is a big place called Shalagram. The stones which appear in that place are called Shalagramam
There is a detailed work called Salagram Kosha - which explains the significance and varieties and methods of worship for a Salagrama.
Each house may a have a different Salagrama as per the family tradition. You may esquire your family elders regarding this. Iam afraid that I cannot judge which salagramam you are having without seeing it personally. From the description you are giving, I think its general Maha Vishnu Salagrama.
The Salagramas used for puja at home generally has a hole. Having the rekhas, marks etc is not a must. Please note that even if it has a crack or split, it is still auspiciousa and can be worshiped. If it is broken into two - it can be worshipped as two separate Moorthis. And this is directly opposite in the case of Shiva linga - even if there is a small crack in a Shiva Linga it should not be used for worship.
And coming to an important question - How Iyers are worshipping Salagrama ?
Iyers or Smarthas are people who treat every God as a manifestation of one Supreme being. Just because Smarthas adore Bhasma(vibhuti) and associated with Adhi Shankara, most of the people (including Iyers) are of the opinion that we are Shaivaites - which is not at all true.
Smarthas are people who believe in One Supremacy and worshiped it in different forms. We dont differentiate between Shiva and Vishnu. Adhi Shankara taught this principle. And you can see the Stotras of Shankara that he praises Vishnu than a staunch Vaishnavite.
Each Smartha House had a complete Set of Panchayata - which includes -
1.Shiva Linga
2.Vishnu Salagrama
3.Ganapati Sonabadra
4.Surya Spatika
5. Devi Swarnamuki
According to the family tradition one deity may gain primary position and other are placed around it.
Please read my article on Panchayatana Puja
We dont differentiate between Shiva and Vishnu and So its no wonder worshipping a Vishnu Salagrama by an Iyer.
Even the Shringeri Acharyas worship the Nrisimha Salagrama which is handed down in the lineage by Adhi Shankara himself. The Shri Chankr at Kamakoti Peetam, Kanchipuram is engraved on a Salagrama Stone.
Strict Acharas has to be followed regarding Devata Puja. Worshipping framed pictures and doing Yatha Sthanam after the puja is totally a different procedure.
But these Salagramam, Shivalingam etc has Nitya Sannidyam of the Devatas and even a small Anachara may result in adverse effect. Thats the reason our ancestors were very careful in handling with these and so closed the Puja gruham immediately after the puja
adi shankara,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Hariharaputra Ashtothra Shata Namavali with meaning
Hariharaputra Ashtothra Shata Namavali with meaning
Swamy Sharanam
As ordained by the Lord i have presented the meaning for the Hariharaputra Ashtothrashata Namavali (108). If He will, I shall soon explain each nama with a detailed commentory
1. Om Mahasastre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the supreme Ruler
2. Om Mahadevaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of Gods
3. Om Mahadevasutya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the son of Shiva(Mahadeva)
4. Om Avyayaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is eternal (imperishable)
5. Om Lokakartre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the creator of the World
6. Om Lokabhartre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the preserver of the World
7. Om Lokahartre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the destroyer of the World
8. Om Paratparaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is higher than the Highest
9. Om Triloka rakshakaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who protects the three worlds
10. Om dhanvine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a great archer
11. Om Thapasvinae Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a great ascetic
12. Om Bhoothasainikaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has the army of Bhootha Ganas
13. Om Mantarvedine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has the knowledge of all the mantras
14. Om Mahavedine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of the Vedas
15. Om Marutaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the form of air
16. Om Jagadishvaraaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of the Universe
17. Om Lokadyakshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of the world
18. Om Agranye Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the first born
19. Om Sreemate Nama:
20. Om Apramaeyeparakramaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM whose valor cannot be mesured
21. Om Simharoodaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is mounted on a Lion
22. Om Gajaroodaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is mounted on an Elephant
23. Om Hayaroodaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is mounted on a Horse
24. Om Maheswaraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the greatest Lord
25. Om Nanashastradharaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is holding various weapons
26. Om Anarghayya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is priceless(to the devotees)
27. Om Nanavidyavisharadaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of all arts
28. Om Nanaroopadaraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who assumes various forms
29. Om Veeraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is heroic
30. Om nanapraninishaevakya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is worshipped by all the living beings
31. Om Bhooteshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of all beings
32. Om Bhootidaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who grants prosperity
33. Om Bhrityaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who nourishes everyone
34. Om Bhujanfaparanothamaaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has the serpent as his ornaments
35. Om Ikshudhanvine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has a bow of Sugarcane
36. Om Pushpabaanaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has the arrows of flowers
37. Om Maharoopaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has a magnificent form
38. Om Mahaprabhavae Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the greatest Master
39. Om Mayadevisutaaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the son of Mayadevi( Mohini)
40. Om Maanyaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is always respectable
41. Om Mahanitaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who takes
42. Om Mahagunaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is virtuous
43. Om Mahasaivaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a follower of Shaiva
44. Om Maharudraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is very form of Rudra
45. Om Vaishanavaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a follower of Vishnu
46. Om Vishnupoojakaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who worships Vishnu
47. Om Vighneshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the very form of Vigneshwara (Ganapati)
48. Om Veerabhadreshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of Veerabhadra
49. Om Bhairavaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who appear as Bhairava
50. Om Shanmukhadhruva Nama:
Salutations to HIM who manifests as Shanmukha
51. Om Merushrigasamasinaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who sits on Mount Meru
52. Om Munisanghanisevitaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is always surrounded with the ascetics
53. Om Devaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the God
54. Om Badraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is auspicious
55. Om Jagannathaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of the world
56. Om Gananaathaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the leader of the group
57. Om Ganeshvaraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the ruler of the group
58. Om Mahayogine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the great yogi
59. Om Mahamayine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the great deceiver (through maya)
60. Om Mahanjanine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the great Jnani
61. Om Mahasthiraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is always present
62. Om Devashastre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the ruler of the Devas
63. Om Bhootashastre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who ruler of every living being
64. Om Bheemahasa parakramaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has a tribute of boisterous laughter
65. Om Nagaharaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who wears a serpent as his neclace
66. Om Nagakeshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has a serpent adoring his hair
67. Om Vyomakeshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM whose hair is space
68. Om Sanathanaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is ancient
69. Om Sugunaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is good natured
70. Om Nirgunaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is attribute less
71. Om Nityaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is eternal
72. Om Nityatriptaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is ever content
73. Om Nirashrayaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is not dependent(independent)
74. Om Lokasrayaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM on whom the world is dependent
75. Om Ganadhishaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of the Ganas
76. Om Chathushasti kalamayaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the personification of 64 forms of art
77. Om Rig Yajus Samaatharvarupine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the embodiment of Rig – Yajur – Sama and Atharva
78. Om Mallaksura panjanaya Nama:
79. Om Trimurtiyae Nama:
Salutations to HIM who manifests as the Trimoorthi (Brahma Vishnu & Shiva)
80. Om Daithyamadanaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who destroyed the Daityas (Asuras)
81. Om Prakruthayae Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the creative force
82. Om Purushotamaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the highest of all beings
83. Om Kaalajnanine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a master of time
84. Om Mahanjnanine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a great master
85. Om Kamadaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who grants the desire
86. Om Kamalekshanaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is Lotus-eyed
87. Om Kalpavrikshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is Kalpaka Vrishka (wish fulfilling tree )
88. Om Mahavrikshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a great Tree
89. Om Vidyavrikshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is a Tree of Knowledge
90. Om Vibhootidaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who gives prosperity
91. Om Samsaratapavichetre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who gives shelter from the heat called Samsara (worldly life)
92. Om Pasulokabayankaraya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is dreadful to the ignorant
93. Om Rogahartre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who destroys the sickness
94. Om Praanadatre Nama:
Salutations to HIM who gives life
95. Om Paragarva vibanjanaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who destroys the pride of the enemies
96. Om Sarvasastrartha tatwajnaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the master of all the essence of all the scriptures
97. Om NeedhImathae Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is always righteous
98. Om Papabhabjanaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who destroys the sins
99. Om Pushkala Poorna Samyuktaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is along with His consorts Pushkala and Poorna
100. Om Paramatmane Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the supreme self
101. Om Satangadaye Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the shelter of virtuous people
102. Om Anantaaditya sankashaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who glows like thousand suns
103. Om Subrahmanyanujaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the brother of Subramanya
104. Om Baline Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is full of strength
105. Om Bhaktaanukampine Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is sympathetic towards the devotees
106. Om Deveshaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the Lord of the Devas
107. Om Bagavadae Nama:
Salutations to HIM who is the Supreme most being
108. Om Bhaktavatsalaya Nama:
Salutations to HIM who has a motherly care for His devotees
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